Securosys products are the best choice to secure many applications ranging from PKI, Blockchain, Key Management, Encryption, Authentication, Cloud Access, Digital Signature, FinTech, Blockchain, and many more. They can be run on-site or as-a-service.
In an ultra-secure data center in the swiss alps. Operated by the experts who have designed and manufactured the HSM for the Swiss payment clearing and settlement system.
Securosys 365 Double Key Encryption (DKE) encrypts the content of documents stored in the Microsoft 365 cloud using keys not available to Microsoft. This service leverages Microsoft's new Double Key Encryption offering: any Microsoft 365 document that is encrypted by default with Microsoft-managed keys can now be encrypted again with an additional key.
The Microsoft Azure Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) new method allows to securely transfer keys into Azure Key Vault, generated on your on-premises Primus HSM or Clouds HSM by Securosys.
Primus X-Series Hardware Security Module (HSM) are available in different performance classes (X200/X400/X700/X1000).
Blockchain and crypto assets platforms depend on private keys. For enterprise-grade systems, HSM should be used, learn here why.
Securosys is raising the bar on Trusted Execution Environments concepts by adding the secure execution of an application to a separate hardware-based enclave with attestation of the running code.
Securosys is providing the hardware security modules for the Swiss interbank clearing system operated by SIX under the supervision of the Swiss National Bank.
A certificate contains the public key, its corresponding private key must be kept safe and secret. It must be kept in a hardware security module (HSM).
Moving your data to the cloud poses its perils. How can you enforce your enterprise security policies? How can you control access (authentication and authorization)? How is your data encrypted and who holds the keys?
One has to make sure that they can only be used by adhering to certain rules attached to every key. Securosys Smart Key Attributes enables true multi-authorization, rules, and more for private key usage - now patented!
Customers were also interested in our HSM overview page or Primus X-Series HSM page