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Growing up

Only 8% of all startups survive for more than 1000 days. We passed this milestone over the holidays. We must have done something right! Securosys is growing up!

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Why a hardened server is not good enough to store crypto assets and how to reliably store crypto assets

Blockchain technology can dramatically improve retail efficiency by enabling fully digital processing and eliminating unneeded intermediaries. It is used for tokenized goods, smart contracts and crypto currencies. However, a challenging problem..

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Quantum Computers -  A threat for PKI?

Photo Credit: IBM quantum computer. An IBM Q cryostat used to keep IBM’s 50-qubit quantum computer cold in the IBM Q lab in Yorktown Heights, New York. What are the prerequisites for a secure PKI today? Will quantum computers make PKIs obsolete in..

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GDPR Database Encryption

GDPR mandates that as from May 28 2018 on data of natural persons from the EU, such as customer data is safeguarded and access to is controlled. The only technical measure mentioned in the law is encryption.

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How to keep your business running in a world full of cyber security risks

Cyber security is a constant topic in the news. There is not a single day without the headline that passwords were stolen, companies breached, or data or bitcoins lost. The list seems endless. As the CEO of Securosys I regularly get asked whether..

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Segregation of Duties done right

Many business processes can be problematic or faulty if they are carried out by a single person in a company. The principle of segregation of duties (SoD) is used to prevent this. Segregation of duties is crucial for effective internal control as it..

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